The charges were dropped for lack of evidence 指控因证据不足而被撤销。
The W.H.O., appeared to be less concerned, saying that it was not advising special actions at ports and airports in South Korea or travel or trade restrictions, given the lack of evidence of sustained human-to-human transmission in the community. 世界卫生组织(WHO)似乎不那么担心,该机构称,鉴于目前尚未发现病毒可导致持续人传人的证据,不会建议在韩国的港口和机场采取特殊措施,或是采取旅行或贸易上的限制。
In recent years lack of evidence or procedural errors have made several big cases collapse. 近年来,几个重大案件皆因缺乏证据或程序出错而不了了之。
Given this lack of evidence, it does not make sense for homeopathy products to be prescribed by GPs or sold, recommended or supported by pharmacists, he said. 他说,由于缺少证据,普通医师开顺势疗法药物的处方或者医药师售卖、推荐、支持(使用)(顺势疗法的药物),都是没有意义的。
Nomura salespeople likely leaked information in several more cases, the broker and regulators said, but the investigation has ended on a lack of evidence that anyone profited. 野村和日本监管方说,野村的销售人员可能在其它几个案子中也泄露了信息,但由于缺乏有任何人获利的证据,所以调查已经结束。
The police had to let him go for lack of evidence. 因为缺乏证据,警察只好让他走了。
Due to the lack of evidence, existence of Solution B is still questionable and even considered a hoax. 由于缺乏证据,存在的解决方案B仍然是值得怀疑的,甚至认为是一场恶作剧。
We should not confuse lack of implementation with lack of evidence. 我们不应当把实施不力与缺少依据混为一谈。
Although the WHO currently recommends considering vaccination in outbreaks, it says that there is a lack of evidence that such'retroactive'vaccination is beneficial. 尽管世界卫生组织目前推荐在暴发中考虑进行免疫接种,它说缺乏证据表明这种“亡羊补牢”式的免疫接种有效果。
The officials were acquitted for lack of evidence. 因为缺少证据,官员们被宣告无罪。
The case was dismissed owing to lack of evidence. 诉讼因缺少证据而遭驳回。
Despite the current lack of evidence, the review authors do recommend that seniors continue to get flu shots. 虽然目前缺乏证据,但是综述的作者仍然推荐老年人继续接种流感疫苗注射。
His case was put back because of the lack of evidence. 他的案子由于证据不足被推迟审判了。
He was soon set free for lack of evidence. 因为缺乏证据,他很快被释放了。
The case was dismissed for lack of evidence. 因缺乏证据,那个案子被驳回了。
No charges were filed for lack of evidence. 因证据不足,没有提出起诉。
Competition lawyers are critical of the lack of evidence to support the three decisions. 令反垄断法律师不满的是,这三项裁决都缺乏证据作为支持。
After she failed to initiate criminal action for lack of evidence. 在她因缺少证据而不能提起刑事诉讼后。
This is not justified given the lack of evidence indicating a problem with the safety of thiomersal in vaccines. 考虑到证明疫苗中硫柳汞的安全性存在问题的证据不足,没有理由这样去做。
The hypothesis of poison was rejected due to lack of evidence. 毒杀的假设因证据不足而不成立。
The lack of evidence in this case is frustrating the police. So let's all think about that. 警方因缺乏证据而感到很伤脑筋。因此,大家还是多在这方面动动脑筋吧。
Okay, pal, you're free to go for lack of evidence. 好了,老兄,因为缺乏证据你现在可以走了。
In this context, WHO is concerned about the potential inclusion of vaccines in the scope of the treaty given the lack of evidence that thiomersal presents a risk to human health. 在这种情况下,考虑到缺乏证据表明硫柳汞对人类健康构成风险,世卫组织担心疫苗可能会被列入条约的范围。
The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence. 法官因缺乏证据而拒不受理这宗案件。
The lack of evidence in this case is frustrating the police. 警方因缺乏证据而感到很伤脑筋。
Because of the confusion in the veterinary literature and the lack of evidence to support the use of reduced protein diets, a number of experimental studies have been performed in recent years. 因为与兽医的学术研究有出入,并且缺乏证据支持减少蛋白质食用是有益的。
The complete lack of evidence has been recorded in a study published the American Journal of Psychology, they said. 美国心理期刊已经在一篇研究报告中刊登了这一消息,我们没有足够的证据证明这些“常识”。
The lack of evidence tells a tale. 缺乏证据,这就很说明问题。
The police are closing the case because of a lack of evidence. 由于缺乏证据,警言打算终止这个案子的调查。
Lack of evidence forced the police to drop the charge against him. 由于缺乏证据,警察不得不放弃了对他的指控。